YouGotMoves presents: 4 Kingdoms Collide Gloving Competition, also known as 4KC.
The country has been divided into four regions (Kingdoms), based on where gloving communities have been growing in the US. These four kingdoms consist of the Island Kingdom, Coastal Kingdom, Mountain Kingdom, and the River Kingdom. Each is separated by timezone and contenders will be going on a journey to represent their respective Kingdoms.
It's been quite awhile since the last major live gloving competition, and You Got Moves is here to deliver.
This event will take place at The Globe Theater in Los Angeles California on Sunday, March 1st, 2020. Doors open at 12:00pm, round one begins at 12:45pm. Champion will be crowned before 5:00pm.
Yougotmoves.com is an online community of teachers and students that range from gloving, flow arts and individual-performance dance styles. Their mission is to connect artists together, give them tools to thrive and drive them to inspire others.
Throwlights will be an exclusive vendor at this event. Come and find us!
You can find the Facebook event for 4KC here. Click "Interested" or "Going" to stay updated with ticket releases, after party information, and more!
Want to know more about this event?
Visit YouGotMoves.com